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Business magazine «Neftegaz.RU»

№4 (100), 2020
Theme: multithematic 4
New issue 2020
Read in the next issue:
Theme: Специальный выпуск к Дню нефтяника
  • Работа в условиях санкций. Итоги геологоразведочных работ на континентальном шельфе РФ
  • Краткая история и направления развития атомных реакторов
  • Анализ проводки скважин и разработка бурового раствора для бурения горизонтальных скважин в терригенных отложениях
  • Мобильная система удаленного мониторинга производственного процесса на ТЭЦ
  • Сейсмические работы 3D (4C) на континентальном шельфе
Date in history 242
Oil and gas milestones of the Great Victory: less known stories of the Great Patriotic War
Geological Exploration 270
The state of the hydrocarbon resource base of Russia and support measures provided by the government and aimed at its replenishment
Global energy products demand continues to grow. To maintain the level of oil and gas production, it is necessary, first of all, to replenish their reserves. Denis Khramov, First Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation, spoke about the technologies and equipment provided to Russian exploration geologists, how much companies and the state spend on geological exploration, and what measures are taken by ministries and departments working in that sector.
Если я говорил, что добыча нефти прекратится, то я ошибался
G. Gref
G. Gref
I would not want to live in a country where the oligarchs have the upper hand
A. Kudrin
A. Kudrin
Until economic growth is accelerated, the issue of actual earnings will always be a problem
Цифровизация – единственный способ борьбы с коррупцией
A. Novak
A. Novak
Within the next few years, there may be risks regarding the demand for oil due to the slowdown of the global economy
D. Artyukhov
D. Artyukhov
I am glad that oil industry workers are constantly finding new approaches on how to stabilize the situation and sometimes they even achieve in improving it
Digitalisation 12 may 251
International bidding and corporate security in the oil and gas sector
This article discusses the development of e-commerce in the context of globalization. The advantages of international competitive bidding are considered. the article analyzes the trends of e-commerce, such as cybersecurity at enterprises and the use of cryptocurrency in international competitive bidding. the article reveals the most important aspects of the process of corporate security in modern conditions. Taking into account the industry features of the functioning of oil and gas companies, the main elements of the strategy for building a comprehensive system of corporate security of companies are formulated and analyzed.
Energy vectors of Kazakhstan
Kazakhstan's recoverable oil reserves are estimated at 4.1 billion tons while projections of gas condensate reserves are at 300 million tons respectively. Meanwhile, hydrocarbon reserves may double thanks to explorations of the deep horizons of the Caspian Lowland. It is hardly surprising, that the oil and gas industry is the economic leader of the republic. What are the some of the major challenges faced by the industry and how are they being resolved at a state level? Where will crude oil be sourced after the depletion of the primary reserves of the republic? What privileges have the authorities prepared to grant and who will develop HTRR? The First Deputy Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Murat Zhurebekov answers these questions.
Business magazine Neftegaz.RU glossy periodical of oil and gas industry.
Market 12 may 413
Oil and gas sector in Russia and the world. Current state and development perspectives
The following article analyzes the potentials of countries involved in the oil and gas sector. Estimates have been made of oil and gas reserves and production levels in different countries. Changes in the global energy balance have been considered, as well as, the role of hydrocarbons in the worlds energy sector in the future. The prospects of Russia have been assessed in the oil and gas sector.
Technologies 12 may 189
High-tech fasteners of the BERVEL factory
One of the main national priorities is the development of remote northern regions and the Far East. In this regard, factories are increasingly being built, lines are being laid, deposits are being developed in areas located above the fortieth parallel. For the development of  industry in these regions with such a special climate and geography, very specialized materials and equipment are required. What developments do domestic plants offer?
Technologies 12 may 334
Corporate qms design. Key Elements Involved in Building CQMS
There are many publications, guidance materials and recommendations on development, maintenance and improvement of a quality management system (qms) aimed at making it suitable, relevant to the organization’s business management system and customer oriented. However, the basic requirements of quality management standards are just a vector for building a system that allows businesses to apply the requirements of the management standard, adapting them to the certain conditions in which the business is developing, taking into consideration the context affecting it, particularly the existing culture, geographical location, market segments, macro- and micro-economic trends, etc. therefore, as there are no two identical companies in the world, so there are no two identical qmss. It is impossible to use a single template for the whole world. therefore, it is an everlasting, debatable and relevant topic: building and, most importantly, ensuring suitability, relevance and effectiveness of the quality management system and linking it with the strategic direction of the organization. the article discusses a practical example of building a process-based model of the corporate quality management system in a company with a holding management structure. Special emphasis is put on the impact of the context in determining the approaches to the process-based model management, to the planning of the list of the qms processes depending on the level of management and to the building of a landscape of the processes while solving a parallel task of maintaining the uniform certification.
First line 12 may 220
The evolution of oil and gas technology
Russia has entered the new century as a world leader in oil and gas reserves. However, after the collapse of the “nineties”, the industry lost many of the competencies accumulated during the Soviet period, and Russian companies were “catching up”. The new era almost did not give time for a quiet development. On the one hand - unforeseen technological opportunities, on the other - changing market conditions, stiff global competition, and essentially, the reduction of hydrocarbon resources. The cumbersome and - as is considered - conservative industry must adapt to new conditions.
Neftegaz №2, 2023
New issue 2020
№4 (100), 2020
№10 (94), 2019
№6 (90), 2019
№4 (88), 2019
№9 ((129)), Сентябрь 2022
№6 (), 2017
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