Corporate qms design. Key Elements Involved in Building CQMS
There are many publications, guidance materials and recommendations on development, maintenance and improvement of a quality management system (qms) aimed at making it suitable, relevant to the organization’s business management system and customer oriented. However, the basic requirements of quality management standards are just a vector for building a system that allows businesses to apply the requirements of the management standard, adapting them to the certain conditions in which the business is developing, taking into consideration the context affecting it, particularly the existing culture, geographical location, market segments, macro- and micro-economic trends, etc. therefore, as there are no two identical companies in the world, so there are no two identical qmss. It is impossible to use a single template for the whole world. therefore, it is an everlasting, debatable and relevant topic: building and, most importantly, ensuring suitability, relevance and effectiveness of the quality management system and linking it with the strategic direction of the organization. the article discusses a practical example of building a process-based model of the corporate quality management system in a company with a holding management structure. Special emphasis is put on the impact of the context in determining the approaches to the process-based model management, to the planning of the list of the qms processes depending on the level of management and to the building of a landscape of the processes while solving a parallel task of maintaining the uniform certification.